Tuesday 26 February 2013

Gadgets for Long Distance Couples

Gadgets for Long Distance Couples

Now that you’re committing to your long distance relationship, here are some efficient tools for all long distance couples.

Tool for Long Distance Couples #1 - The Mail Service

You heard right, The Post Office! Emails are quick and instant messaging is efficient, but do you remember long before that when we used to mail letters to each other? Our research has found that long distance couples that write love letters to each other have proven to have remarkably strong relationships.

Tools for Long Distance Couples #2 - Relationship Help Books

Or any other reading material on long distance relationship guidance for that matter. Once you feel yourself getting into a routine and getting tired of the usual call, talk, sleep, work, call, talk etc. seek out some great relationship building questions to talk about. You will learn a lot more about each other that will strengthen your relationship.

Tools for Long Distance Couples #3 - Online Movie Streaming

Online streaming services are beginning to take over from DVD and BluRay. But that means you don’t have to get two separate copies of one movie to enjoy watching together. Just simply sign up for an account, hit play together while talking on webcam, and have yourself a cosy night in together.

Tools for Long Distance Couples #4 - Internet Phone Service

What good would a long distance relationship resources list be without good old Skype? This is by far the best and most important tool you can get for your relationship. It's fast, easy, and free to use. This will make it easy for you to see each other on webcam every second of every day if you want to. But we really advice against long distance couples spending longer than four hours a talking with your partner over webcam. While speaking for long periods will initially help you to manage the distance, it’s also healthy to go outside and live individual lives as well.

Don't forget to find free information on distant relationships at www.longdistancerelationshipadvicehq.com

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